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Help Is on Its Way with TOT Grant for Free Spay/Neuter

Spay voucher will make sure mom has no more babies. Little ones will be fixed too.

At Whisker Warriors, we don’t do what we do for the “kudos.” We do it because the well-being of companion and community cats and dogs, not to mention the people who love and care for them, is what we are all about. There is an extraordinary need for free services for pets. Many people who contact us for help can barely afford to feed their pets, but they love them and want to do the best for them.

Last year, for the first time Whisker Warriors, applied for some of the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) Grant Program Funding Grant funding available to Sacramento County non-profits. We received a grant of $10,000 for low income individuals on aid and the homeless who have pets in need of spay/neuter or vaccines. We have provided over 100 Vouchers so far and soon we will use up all the funds.

Here are some of the live-changing stories about those we’ve helped:

A woman took in a stray cat that was pregnant and was being picked on by the cats and dogs outside. She had very limited income herself, but would not give up on this cat. The Mom kitty gave birth to 6 cute little kittens. She wants to spay or neuter them all and adopt them out. Our grant went to help her.

A voucher went to a homeless man, who had a chance to be granted permanent housing but one of his dogs was not neutered. It needed to be ASAP otherwise he would lose his chance for housing. We got him a voucher right away.

A Marine Corps Veteran was caring for his very ill wife. Two stray cats they were helping turned into 30! He was struggling to feed everyone, and had no funds for spay/neuter to control the problem. We are helping him with vouchers to get at least some of the cats spayed or neutered and providing food for the cats. Also one of our volunteers built him warm shelters and feeding stations for the entire crew.

And we this thank you from another Sac County resident

"...thank you, you are a blessing to me and to my dog Lulu, she was mistreated so bad so you just saved her life again from being homeless herself and I am a senior disabled person and thank you with all my heart”

We are very grateful that we were allowed to provide help to those who truly need it. We are hoping to be granted more funding this year. If you want to help in other ways, visit our website at



© 2023 Rancho Cordova Whisker Warriors

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